Disclosing Herpes Status When Dating

Yes, you need to disclose your herpes status before engaging in sexual activities with a partner.

But… how does that fit into the whole process of dating, getting to know each other, deciding if the relationship will ever even become sexual…? Surely one does not blurt it out on the first coffee date, but is it wise to wait until you are undressed and on the verge of a sexual act? There has to be some place in between those two points in an intimate relationship where the herpes disclosure occurs.

The reason there is SO MUCH genital herpes in the population is because unscrupulous people lie about their status or negligently fail to disclose.  Don’t be one of them! If there were jail time for transmitting the herpes virus, then there would probably be a LOT less of it in the general population.

Human nature being as it is, many people, once infected by a deceitful sexual partner, conclude that that is how the game is played and make the decision that this is how it is done.

How many people have said, “Well the person who gave it to me didn’t tell me they had it, so why should I tell anyone that I have it?”

As they say, two wrongs don’t make a right and perpetuating the disease, the deceit, the pain… it’s just the wrong thing to do – ESPECIALLY nowadays, because we have information and best of all, we have PositiveSingles.com!

In the old days, before Internet dating, people would often feign ignorance, pretend they didn’t know that they had herpes, or that it is permanent, but now with so much of the adult population infected with HSV2 (AKA genital herpes), even in a Canadian city like Vancouver, there are PLENTY of singles who have the virus, don’t want to deceive anyone, and also want to find love in their lives.

If you check out the site, you are going to find plenty of people – even in your own neighbourhood! Just click the big pink button at the top of the site and start looking. If the forms you have to fill out seem a bit much just for a free membership, just be patient. It is totally worth it and ALL STD sites are like that (for obvious reasons).

Ironically, once you find the man or woman of your dreams on a herpes dating site, you will probably have that odd feeling of being at some level GLAD that you are infected, because having the virus led you to the man / woman of your dreams!

If you have never had that feeling, just brace yourself… it’s a mind-blower.

When you do your searching, just make sure to check what kind of disease you are entering in your search criteria because all STDs are included.

The creator of this website utterly disagrees with this HIV doctor who thinks that people should be allowed to walk around infecting others with HIV with absolutely NO accountability – so watch out for your health out there – there’s already hardly any recourse for those fraudulently infected with herpes and now it looks like there are people out there trying to interfere with justice on the HIV front: http://www.montrealgazette.com/health/Stop+jailing+positive+Canadians+telling+partners+doctors/5882805/story.html

Anyway, we all have to be careful of unscrupulous people in area of our lives – but we can keep up our own morals and still find love in our lives thanks to online dating!