People In Vancouver With Herpes

People In Vancouver With HerpesNo, of course no names will be named here! It’s just so important to remember that you are NOT alone!



You may have just received your herpes diagnosis today or you may have been walking around with HSV for decades but sometimes it’s easy to feel alone, isolated, different, a romantic pariah.

But don’t worry, there are so many people in this condition in this city that you would be amazed – just visit right now, set up a free account, and start browsing Vancouver herpes singles right now. You’ll be impressed too, by the calibre of people you’ll encounter … it’s not like that ummm… fishy website at all.

This may have happened to you: you’re at a party or out with some friends and some very attractive member of the opposite sex begins to make it unmistakably clear that he or she is interested in sparking up some kind of romantic connection, which is hugely flattering but you sigh inwardly because you do NOT look forward to getting to know someone, have it go to the next level, then have to have THE TALK.

There is nothing wrong with going that route (as long as you don’t skip THE TALK), but it makes life a lot simpler when you can simply open up the website and browse through hundreds of other people who vastly prefer not to have to get into the whole herpes talk with someone who doesn’t have it and may or may not be horrified. If it’s any consolation, plenty of herpes-negative people are willing to have a relationship with a herpes-positive person as long as they are informed and everyone is being careful.

That said, why not check out your options online – it’s like a candy-shop!

Coping With Herpes In The Peak Of Summer (Rx: HAVE SOME FUN)

Here in Vancouver, the summer has been awesome, if a little excessively hot from time to time. Now the PNE is underway, signalling the peak and the impending wind-down of our most precious month.

How do you feel if you have genital herpes and are keeping it secret inside yourself, watching couples hand-in-hand walking the seawall, enjoying water sports, dining on patios, dressed to the nines to hit the city’s night time hotspots?

Chances are that if you are still holding onto the pain and isolation of this (EXTREMELY COMMON, though stigmatized) disease, you feel at least as miserable in the beautiful summer as you do in the murky gray depths of our Wet-Coast winters.

Come out and play!

There is a seemingly magical key to the emotional prison of suffering in silence with genital herpes / HSV:  it’s called Positive Singles. It’s a dating site specially for people who have STDs like HSV, where those who are carrying the virus can openly disclose that (in an anonymous way of course, no breach of privacy here!) and easily find others who have the same condition.

You may have visited other websites and wished that there could be a checkbox for Herpes right there with the other common criteria like Marital Status, Height, Eye Colour, etc.

Now, you can go to Positive Singles and there IS a checkbox for Herpes! And once you join the website you will find TONS of WONDERFUL, smart, nice, good-looking singles who also have it and prefer to be with someone else who has it.


Here’s a prediction: if you go and join up right now, keep an open mind and an open heart, you will be unable to wipe the smile off your face by the time the first nips of autumn remind you that it’s time to get cozy with someone special.





Love, Joy, And Spiritual Triumph In The Wake Of Genital Herpes

There is something about finding love in a time of adversity, finding companionship after enduring isolation, coming into the light after hiding in the shadows….

If this website helps one person (and it has probably helped many) get from the throes of sadness & loneliness through to the other side where the tears are gone and the smiles are ear-to-ear, then it is doing its job. Click Here to visit PositiveSingles and sign up for free to meet lots of really great singles who are honest like you about their HSV status.

Remember, if you have contracted genital herpes, especially if it was in a way that left you feeling betrayed or ashamed, please take a moment to remember that what doesn’t kill us most certainly makes us stronger. It is possible to look at the genital herpes as a lesson and yes it can affect the path of one’s life.

Depending on how you move forward, you might find yourself thanking the herpes (probably not ‘the infector’) for being your teacher and leading you to the true love of your life. Maybe that gave you a bitter laugh and thought to yourself that you would have been perfectly happy to have skipped this lesson in life, but you can consider yourself educated nevertheless – take from it what you will.

Here are some more thoughts for you if you are feeling sorry for yourself (and there is no shame in that!):

  • Within every setback or obstacle or disadvantage there is the seed of an equal or opposite or greater advantage or benefit. ~Napoleon Hill
  • When one door closes another door opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. ~Alexander Graham Bell
  • The healthy and strong individual is the one who asks for help when he needs it. Whether he’s got an abscess on his knee or in his soul. ~Rona Barrett
  • If you’re going through hell, keep going. ~Winston Churchill
  • The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief. ~William Shakespeare, Othello
  • Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat. ~Napoleon Hill
  • Click Here if you like the quotes above and want to read some more


New Years’ Resolution: Find Your Soul-Mate

Believe it or not, the days are getting longer now, the Winter is concluding, and a new year has begun!

Why not get out there and find your true love?

If you are one of the legion of Vancouver singles saying to yourself: “I have herpes – who would want to go out with me” – please think again! The HSV / genital herpes virus is so common that even mainstream TV is starting to talk about it (sometimes awkward, but it’s bringing the topic ‘out of the closet’ – another article forthcoming!).

Some singles who are herpes positive even go so far as to judge others who are in the same situation, saying to themselves: “the herpes dating sites must be full of people I really wouldn’t find datable – yuck!”


In fact, as many readers know, having the virus does not say much about you other than the fact that you have the virus. Also, the people who join the herpes dating sites are the ones who are of a mind to DISCLOSE (as opposed to those who do NOT disclose and expose partners to risk without their knowledge).

Here’s a suggestion – join up at PositiveSingles and find your true soul-mate this year! He or she is out there somewhere and you are going to be surprised how awesome the people on the site are. The one thing that all members have in common is that they are taking back the power, moving on in their lives, finding and embracing a ‘new normal’ and getting *the talk* out of the way before the first coffee date!



Spring Fever 2014: Love & Dating In Vancouver (With HSV)!

Here it is, Spring again, Vancouver! As the dark skies change to a beautiful blue and Stanley Park and the Seawall beckon, we can be sure that everyone is getting a case of Spring Fever 2014!

Don’t worry, it’s natural!

Humans (including Vancouverites) are set up just the same as the birds and the bees in so many ways, and off we go in Springtime to find a mate (if they don’t already have one!) to share the bright, sunny days with. It’s a reawakening and it’s all good.

That said… what if you are single and have recently been diagnosed with herpes or are still not reconciled to the diagnosis?

Do you sit-out this ‘mating season’ while everyone else goes out on dates, phones up that friend’s friend, gets fixed up on a blind date?

No! Don’t opt-out of the fun and JOYS of Spring if you’re single!

Attention HSV Positive Vancouver Singles: why not go online to Positive Singles and sign up for free to prove to yourself that there ARE PLENTY OF AWESOME PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOURSELF looking for love right here in your own neighbourhood.

One thing for sure about getting that “verdict” from the doctor is that it is a very isolating feeling … at first, anyway; and the fact is that most people when first infected DO NOT WANT TO TALK TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY ABOUT IT.


  1. AWKWARD!!! Because it is embarrassing to talk about an STD to most friends & family, let’s face it… unless it’s a joke about someone ELSE’s problem (be honest with yourself – how many times have you laughed at an STD joke?);
  2. FEELING LIKE A FOOL: a herpes infection often results from a betrayal of trust or a sexual ‘mistake’ or carelessness;
  3. SHAME: there is a persisting stigma amongst “The UNinfected” – and of course it is understandable for HSV negative singles to want to stay that way!
  4. FEAR: a lot of people worry about telling ANYONE because of the social ramifications. ‘Will everyone see me as a leper?’

It is very liberating to come out of the shadows and find someone to love and to laugh with! Your privacy is never at risk – just sign up with a username of your choice and take a look around.

That lonely, isolated, depressing feeling with evaporate like the April showers that bring May flowers!

Dating With Herpes…

…or in other words: dating.

There are different approaches that people take to their love-lives a


Presumably, some people acquire the virus while with a partner and stay with that partner forever, never needing to brave the dating scene with their HSV-positive status.

Most people with herpes, however, find themselves at some point (sometimes right after THE DIAGNOSIS) in the difficult position of having to pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and figure out how to find love and romance with a giant capital H indelibly stamped on them (well, that’s what it feels like, doesn’t it?!).

In case you are right now in that position, have no fears – there are SO MANY H-people who have felt the same way, have gotten through the pain and can sincerely understand what you are going through.

All over the Internet, articles can be found explaining how you can have ‘the talk’ with uninfected potential partners. OK that’s fine, if you have a bullet-proof ego and can live with the intrinsic stress of the risk that your uninfected partner will one day wake up with that first blister and the whole equation gets changed….

More and more people, though, are availing themselves of herpes dating sites where they can talk to potential partners about things like love, career, family, values, goals, etc., rather than the pros & cons of deliberately exposing oneself to the risk of acquiring an incurable virus.



What are you waiting for? Have you signed up yet? If you haven’t, then it is time, because everybody wants the same thing: love (and acceptance (OK and sex too!)).

The weather is getting cold – time to break out those gumboots and soup recipes and find someone to cuddle up with for the next 8 months or so of Vancouver rain!



Summer 2013 – Time To GET OUT THERE & Try A Herpes Dating Site

Vancouver Singles With Herpes Can Have More FunVancouver can be one of the most exciting and romantic cities on Earth – especially in the summertime – so whatever you do, don’t waste your energy feeling lonely and out of the dating loop right now when there are so many local singles who feel EXACTLY THE SAME AS YOU DO!

It’s not like “The Olden Days” when herpes was something that was completely hush-hush and people had to take out expensive (and quite frankly… awkward!) personal ads,  or blurt it out at the last minute, or worst of all, not disclose their condition at all, and risk infecting others.

If you do have HSV, then rest assured, there has never been a better time to have it!

Of course that seems like cold comfort if you have been recently diagnosed or if you are still struggling with shock, fear, anger, shame, etc. (don’t worry, “this too shall pass” as they say); however it must be said that every day people and society in general are getting used to the H-word – even on primetime TV!

Today, there is a seamless, life-changing solution for HSV singles: – and don’t worry – it is not one of those “global” STD databases with just a tiny handful of Vancouverites if any – there are LOTS of singles, very likely some right in your own neighbourhood!

If you are hesitating to try a herpes dating site because you think that the people will be nasty in some way, promiscuous, desperate, or in any way less pleasant, decent, smart, good-looking, educated, etc. than people on the regular dating sites, then THINK AGAIN!

Logic dictates that people who are brave & strong enough to go on such a website have the integrity to disclose their condition and deal with it in an ethical – and less awkward – manner.

Just think, once you sign up (and it’s free to sign up), check out some profiles, get checked out, and assure yourself that there are plenty of quality singles there, you don’t have to have “THE CONVERSATION” the way you would with someone from an ordinary dating site.

Do yourself a HUGE favour this spring & summer:

  1. Go get yourself something bright & summery to wear
  2. Put on some summer tunes
  3. Take 3 deep breaths through your nose, and
  4. Find someone nice on to go for a beautiful walk or bike ride with around Stanley Park, perhaps a hike, lunch, dinner, or a cocktail downtown or Gastown….The possibilities are endless… especially as long as the sun is shining on us!






Find A Partner Who Has Herpes Too – And It Doesn’t Even Matter!

Spring Is Sprung. The grass is riz. We all know where the herpes is – it’s all over this town!

But seriously!

Now that every day seems a little bit warmer and sunnier here in Vancouver where we suffer through month after month of rain and gray skies, it’s only natural to want to go for a walk or a bike on the sea wall with someone special.

If you are single and have herpes, you are probably torn between one of nature’s strongest impulses – to pair-up – and a legitimate hesitation to bring up the STD talk with someone new.

Thankfully there is absolutely no need to have the awkward “herpes talk” at all with the advent of awesome STD dating sites like

If the one thing that is making the joy of Spring a little less sunny for you is the task of finding a partner who will accept your herpes, then just cheer up, click here, and find someone to walk the seawall with you while you forget all about HSV and get on with your love-life!

Disclosing Herpes Status When Dating

Yes, you need to disclose your herpes status before engaging in sexual activities with a partner.

But… how does that fit into the whole process of dating, getting to know each other, deciding if the relationship will ever even become sexual…? Surely one does not blurt it out on the first coffee date, but is it wise to wait until you are undressed and on the verge of a sexual act? There has to be some place in between those two points in an intimate relationship where the herpes disclosure occurs.

The reason there is SO MUCH genital herpes in the population is because unscrupulous people lie about their status or negligently fail to disclose.  Don’t be one of them! If there were jail time for transmitting the herpes virus, then there would probably be a LOT less of it in the general population.

Human nature being as it is, many people, once infected by a deceitful sexual partner, conclude that that is how the game is played and make the decision that this is how it is done.

How many people have said, “Well the person who gave it to me didn’t tell me they had it, so why should I tell anyone that I have it?”

As they say, two wrongs don’t make a right and perpetuating the disease, the deceit, the pain… it’s just the wrong thing to do – ESPECIALLY nowadays, because we have information and best of all, we have!

In the old days, before Internet dating, people would often feign ignorance, pretend they didn’t know that they had herpes, or that it is permanent, but now with so much of the adult population infected with HSV2 (AKA genital herpes), even in a Canadian city like Vancouver, there are PLENTY of singles who have the virus, don’t want to deceive anyone, and also want to find love in their lives.

If you check out the site, you are going to find plenty of people – even in your own neighbourhood! Just click the big pink button at the top of the site and start looking. If the forms you have to fill out seem a bit much just for a free membership, just be patient. It is totally worth it and ALL STD sites are like that (for obvious reasons).

Ironically, once you find the man or woman of your dreams on a herpes dating site, you will probably have that odd feeling of being at some level GLAD that you are infected, because having the virus led you to the man / woman of your dreams!

If you have never had that feeling, just brace yourself… it’s a mind-blower.

When you do your searching, just make sure to check what kind of disease you are entering in your search criteria because all STDs are included.

The creator of this website utterly disagrees with this HIV doctor who thinks that people should be allowed to walk around infecting others with HIV with absolutely NO accountability – so watch out for your health out there – there’s already hardly any recourse for those fraudulently infected with herpes and now it looks like there are people out there trying to interfere with justice on the HIV front:

Anyway, we all have to be careful of unscrupulous people in area of our lives – but we can keep up our own morals and still find love in our lives thanks to online dating!

Herpes Dating Sites For Vancouver Singles

Yes There Are SO MANY People Just Like YOU!!

If you have been disappointed by Herpes dating sites that take a chunk of your time filling out personal information and then offer you zero results within your geographical area, then search no further if you are in Vancouver, Canada.

After receiving the HSV diagnosis (which can feel like a verdict but doesn’t matter a bit once you find a partner you’re crazy about who has the same condition!), it is very easy to become discouraged about ever dating again. “The Discussion” is something that most people with HSV or any type of STD for that matter DREAD.

It makes joining a specialized dating site a very attractive option – if you can find another person with genital herpes, then that is one thing you cross off your list to stress out about on a first date!

Of course there are plenty of singles with herpes on the general dating sites, but few of them are going to disclose their condition on their profiles and some people are not even interested in meeting someone who doesn’t have the virus because it’s just too awkward.

If you are one of the many Vancouver singles who is HSV 2 positive and is looking for love with somebody who will not run screaming in the opposite direction, visit Positive Singles and YES, take the time to fill in the personal information – you will finds page after page after page of other singles who live right here in the Vancouver area!

The site is worldwide, so you are going to see singles from all over the globe, but don’t think for a second that this site will be like one of the ones where there are maybe 17 Canadians in the entire database!! There are TONS of Vancouverites looking for relationships on Positive Singlesbe sure you specify what STDs (Genital Herpes or HSV 2) you have and are looking for in a match!



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