Spring Fever 2014: Love & Dating In Vancouver (With HSV)!

April 14, 2014 by  
Filed under Vancouver Herpes Dating Blog

Here it is, Spring again, Vancouver! As the dark skies change to a beautiful blue and Stanley Park and the Seawall beckon, we can be sure that everyone is getting a case of Spring Fever 2014!

Don’t worry, it’s natural!

Humans (including Vancouverites) are set up just the same as the birds and the bees in so many ways, and off we go in Springtime to find a mate (if they don’t already have one!) to share the bright, sunny days with. It’s a reawakening and it’s all good.

That said… what if you are single and have recently been diagnosed with herpes or are still not reconciled to the diagnosis?

Do you sit-out this ‘mating season’ while everyone else goes out on dates, phones up that friend’s friend, gets fixed up on a blind date?

No! Don’t opt-out of the fun and JOYS of Spring if you’re single!

Attention HSV Positive Vancouver Singles: why not go online to Positive Singles and sign up for free to prove to yourself that there ARE PLENTY OF AWESOME PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOURSELF looking for love right here in your own neighbourhood.

One thing for sure about getting that “verdict” from the doctor is that it is a very isolating feeling … at first, anyway; and the fact is that most people when first infected DO NOT WANT TO TALK TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY ABOUT IT.


  1. AWKWARD!!! Because it is embarrassing to talk about an STD to most friends & family, let’s face it… unless it’s a joke about someone ELSE’s problem (be honest with yourself – how many times have you laughed at an STD joke?);
  2. FEELING LIKE A FOOL: a herpes infection often results from a betrayal of trust or a sexual ‘mistake’ or carelessness;
  3. SHAME: there is a persisting stigma amongst “The UNinfected” – and of course it is understandable for HSV negative singles to want to stay that way!
  4. FEAR: a lot of people worry about telling ANYONE because of the social ramifications. ‘Will everyone see me as a leper?’

It is very liberating to come out of the shadows and find someone to love and to laugh with! Your privacy is never at risk – just sign up with a username of your choice and take a look around.

That lonely, isolated, depressing feeling with evaporate like the April showers that bring May flowers!

  • Brooke Fraser